२०८१ फागुन २१, बुधवार , ०७:३४:२५ बजे


People’s representatives demand govt declare Terai a dry zone

शुक्रवार, साउन १९, २०८०

PARSA : The people’s representatives have demanded the federal government to resolve the water shortage facing Birgunj Metropolitan City (BMC). Both the immediate and long term measures have been sought to address water scarcity.

During a discussion program organized by BMC on ‘drinking water scarcity’ here Thursday, the member of the House of Representatives, Province Assembly member and local level representatives urged the federal government to immediately address the drinking water crisis.

The water scarcity will cause a more painful situation than coronavirus did, HoR members Pradip Yadav and Ajay Kumar Chaurasiya viewed, requesting Minister for Drinking Water, Mahindra Ray Yadav, to save people’s lives.

The Parsa people had witnessed not only drinking water scarcity but also facing hardship in agriculture for lack of rainfall. The government is therefore urged to declare a dry zone to Terai and provide relief to the farmers.

The people’s representatives also warned of the grave state of people in Terai if the government did not take action on time.

On the occasion, Minister Yadav said the government had intensified efforts to install deep boring and shallow tube wells in different parts of Terai belt. Similarly, the capacity of the drinking water corporation will be enhanced.

He viewed that Terai districts witnessed such water crises also because of over-exploitation of Chure region. The Nepal government was planning for a reservoir to save the groundwater table, Minister Yadav shared.

Even the discussion with the Indian government was being held on constructing a reservoir dam considering that Nepal’s Terai belt, and Bihar State of India were facing similar water, according to the Minister.

Similarly, BMC Mayor Rajesh Man Singh demanded the government to address the human resource crunch at Drinking Water Corporation. Installation of tap must be expedited in the dry zones, he stressed.


शुक्रवार, साउन १९, २०८० | English

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